The Benefits of Working from Home
June 10th, 2021
A Stanford study found that 42 percent of the U.S. workforce works from home, as of June 2020. The coronavirus pandemic has brought more people into the work-from-home lifestyle, which was already surging in the years beforehand. Working from home isn't likely disappear post-pandemic. Working from home proves convenient and beneficial for both employees and employers. Here are some major upsides to working from home:
1. Skip the Commute
Having a daily commute is a commitment. With factors like traffic jams and unexpected car problems, stressful situations happen. Stress and issues with punctuality can take a toll on your work performance. Vehicle maintenance and filling up your gas tank mean more time and money for the sake of your job.
With remote work, the commute stress disappears entirely. There's no need to bring lunch. You're left with just the work, which you can access instantly from home.
2. You Control Your Work Environment
The "vibe" of your workspace makes a big difference for your mood and productivity. Working from home you can take advantage of this and design your home office around your unique needs. Some employers even provide home office stipends for remote workers.
The ability to choose your own desk goes a long way in staying comfortable and productive while working. Our Smart Standing Desk and Smart Under Desk Bike are unconventional options designed to keep you physically healthy and mentally in great condition during work hours.
3. Location Independence
When you never have to report into an office, you aren't pinned to a geographic location. As long as COVID-19 restrictions allow, working remotely lets you travel without taking time off. Plus, you can always relocate without having to factor your career into the equation.
4. Better Work-Life Balance
Without being confined to a 9-to-5 work schedule, you can plan your day around Zoom calls as well as your personal life. The convenience is you can manage errands, parenting, school or other obligations more easily alongside work and avoid burnout.
Without a commute, more time can go into balancing work with the rest of your life. With the freedom to get your work done when you want, you can free up the time you want to spend with your family or attend a yoga class.
Beyond the obvious autonomy gained in working from home, you can also gain back lost time and money spent coming and going to the office. Being able to customize your own work environment, it's easier to stay focused and organized. In your own space, you're able to tweak your lifestyle and strike the ideal work-life balance.